Principal: Mr. Andrew Heilemeier - [email protected]
Asst. Principal: Mr. Tim Ballard - [email protected]
A Message From Mr. Heilemeier
I hope everyone had a safe and eventful summer. We are all looking forward to another awesome school year. For lots of information about SMS logon to This is the district website that will enable you to access any school in the district. The site is very informational and user friendly. Another website you will want to access is First you must obtain a password (if you have already been on the system last year your password remains the same) from the school by e-mailing Mr. Heilemeier at [email protected]. Once you have this password, logon the website, and change the password to your personal favorite. This site will be updated frequently to enable to access your child's grade report instantly! It also contains e-mail addresses to contact your child's teachers as well as upcoming school activities.
To the incoming sixth graders, new students, and their parents we say welcome. We are confident that you will enjoy your middle school experience. If you should have any questions regarding any aspect of middle school life please do not hesitate to contact the school. We are here to help your student continue to grow educationally, socially, and emotionally.
Have a great year!
Mr. Heilemeier, Principal