Welcome to Sandwich Middle School

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide opportunities for our youth to develop educationally, emotionally, physically and socially to the fullest of their ability.

Our Vision

"Learning Today, Shaping Tomorrow!"

Recent News

Student Drop-Off & Pick-Up

In an effort to provide a safer area for our students while entering and leaving our school, the South entrance to the Middle School will be closed for student drop off. Between 7:35 am – 7:55 am and 2:35 pm – 3:10, only Middle School Staff and buses will be allowed to enter into the front of the Middle School. Please drop off your children in the pre-designated areas.

If your child needs to be dropped off in front of the school due to a medical reason, please contact Assistant Principal, Garret Ryan, for authorization.

When you drop off your children, please educate your children to use the marked crosswalks.

Emergency Day Information

There are several ways that our building may communicate information about school closings. On inclement weather days, the school district encourages parents to check for up-to-date information on school closings by checking the district website for school closing information, receiving calls and/or emails from the automated call system “School Messenger”, listening to the radio or watching television for closing information. Please be sure your contact numbers and email addresses are current.

Sandwich Middle School Pacing Guides

Click here to read the Sandwich Middle School Pacing Guides

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