Staff & Academics

Guide to Courses at Sandwich Middle School 

Curriculum & Instruction

The Board of Education has a goal to continue the development of an articulated, comprehensive curriculum that will result in increased student achievement. We believe that the continuous improvement of instruction is essential to the quality and success of student learning.

Curriculum Renewal Cycle
The cycle includes a timeline for developing, renewing and implementing curriculum in each subject based on priorities identified by teachers and administrators.

Aligning the Curriculum with State Standards
As new curriculum is developed, it is aligned with the state standards. The Illinois State Standards provide a curriculum framework that describes what all students should know and be able to do. While the standards are rigorous, they will not limit what our students are expected to learn.

Articulation of the Curriculum
The renewal or development of curriculum includes articulation across the grade levels from kindergarten through high school. This process enables the district to identify what it wants its high school graduates to know and be able to do and provides direction for the development of curriculum at each of the lower grades.

Professional Development
Training opportunities for the staff are an integral part of the curriculum development process. Professional development opportunities will include training in how to develop curriculum, as well as instruction in the content and delivery of the new curriculum.

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